Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's Up This Month

So I'm on two different count downs. One is going to school in the fall, I'm transferring to Fresno State and I am so so excited. I thought about it for a long time, and found that transferring to CSUB would have been really stupid. But I am 100% sure of my decision and I am so excited about diving right into my new life in Fresno. It won't be a completely new experience since my family lived in Fresno while my dad was a student at Fresno State. I went on a campus tour during my new student orientation and I am basically in love with it. Other than the very random fine for picking roses (100 bucks per flower). But other than that the campus is very well situated and has alot of fun things like a bowling alley and movie theater on campus not to mention a bunch of restaurants and even a salon. Plus the Savemart Center is on campus and it continually draws big names for concerts. And Football. Hello the bulldogs football rocks and they are #1 in baseball too.

The second countdown is to the house we are buying officially being mine. I get the keys 1 week from today as long as nothing bad happens, and I am sure it will be fine. Then just to fix it up so living there will be amazing. I have more to say but no more energy. So late.