Friday, August 8, 2008

What's Going on this Month Part II

So less than a week before I get my first home. I am so incredibly excited. As un-creative, as I am, I am doing my best to make creative pieces of decoration for my new home. I hate trying to fake being creative but with money as such an issue, it is definitely the only way that I am going to get a nice finished looking bedroom. Then after that I will concentrate on getting the rest of the house to look picture perfect.

Last Saturday I went to my cousin Cayla's wedding. I really dreaded going and I am not sure why I was so adverse to going. Perhaps it was because the groom was only 18 and the bride only 21, or it could have been that I had only met the groom (Chase) twice ever. And maybe it was the plether of negative information I had learned from other members of my family about Chase and his ex-girlfriend. All I know is that going to that wedding was the last thing I wanted to do Saturday. But since I have a very strong familial guilt complex, I struggled to throw on an appropriate outfit at 4:00, (we had to leave by 4:30, so I was really cutting it close). I got to the wedding and felt even more out of place. Cayla is one of those girls who cares more about the way that she looks than anything else, and her friends are like a pack of perfect little barbies.

Glancing at the program I was so pleased to see that Cayla had listed my uncle Keith, her stepfather, as her father. That was the first positive feeling I had about the nuptials. The wedding ceremony was blah, but at the reception, I began to see how much Chase truly cared about Cayla. And I have to say that the alcohol, made the rosy glasses come on full force. Plus I enjoy spending time with my cousins. It wound up being a pretty good evening.

I really love my family, all of them. I have this huge crazy insane family, and while some of them are more pleasant than others, and some of them make more sense than others, they all have their places. My family is like a giant jigsaw puzzle and we all fit together the way we are supposed to. Without even one of us, the puzzle would be incomplete, and even with all of our character flaws, the pieces fit together just as god intended.