Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It's October YAY. Fall is my favorite season and Halloween is just a great holiday. I love the way nature changes and the color schemes are so much more intense and beautiful. Living in Fresno, I can go to Woodward park and the Chinese gardens there and look at the leaves and the ponds and their reflections. I love the sound of crunchy leaves when you walk on them and when they are blowing across the sidewalk. I love to be cold and I love when a random sprinkle makes the smell of dirt and freshness pop. I love when it really rains at night and you wake up to puddles and just can't resist to splash in them just a little. I love to wrap up with a blanket and a book and find someplace in the sun to read and relish in the cool weather. I love to have chili beans or home-made soup made in a crock pot, so the smell wafts through the house all day. And since I got my own crock pot for my birthday, I am ready to make soup, yum. I Love football and we are into the season now, I love going to the football games and drinking hot chocolate and cheering for my team with everything I have.
I love drinking sweet hot drinks, the cup keeps my hands warm and the drink warms me up inside. Fall and Spring are wonderful seasons but with the addition of Halloween and my birthday Fall wins. I love scary movies and for a few weeks every October, the world becomes one, a little bit. I love watching the cute little kids in their costumes. I love the spider webs and ghosts lurking around every corner. I am excited for this month. I love carving pumpkins with friends and family and displaying them for the enjoyment of others. Last year I carved Spongebob and it was awesome. Well Happy October to all of you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Brian said...

Bitch, you LOVE that picture. Deal with it. I'm excited for hot cocoa season too.