Saturday, July 18, 2009

Missing Pieces

Awhile ago I sat down to complete a puzzle. It was a puzzle I had received a few months earlier that I had yet to complete, so the box sat there collecting dust until I was ready to put the pieces together. I had opened the box once shortly after receiving it but with not enough patience to complete it or enough will power to concentrate on it, I banished it back to the box to wait for its time.

I sat there fishing through the mix of pieces doing my best to find where everything fit. Once the edges were complete I moved on systematically, color, odd shapes, etc. Finally I was down to the last few pieces. It felt easier then, just twist and fit, because of course they all had a place, and alas my hand became empty. I looked down on my "artwork," my "creation" only to find that where there should be the final piece of a masterpiece, it was instead an empty place. My puzzle would never be done now. I could do nothing but let this glaring testament to my failure as a puzzle put-er together-er, stare back at me.

My life feels like this right now. Everything should be fine, falling into place if not there all ready, and while I am still systematically working through my "puzzle," the bulk of the pieces are falling into place. But even so I feel like part of my puzzle is missing. I'm not even sure which part it is for sure. Though behind in school I am heading in the right direction quickly. I'm not dating anyone but don't really want or need that kind of distraction right now. I have many friends and a very select group of close ones. I have responsibilities to force me to keep pushing forward.

The only piece that I feel like is still missing is my faith. My faith has taken some hard knocks in the past few years. I hadn't developed it enough before jumping into the deep end, I sank rather than swam. Now I feel like maybe its time again, to build it back up. I've licked my spiritual wounds and its time to hit the gym (spiritually). I think I am going to head back to the first church I can remember. The church that gave me my first bible when I started the fourth grade. Maybe if I return to the basics I can find the place my heart wants to go. I don't know if this is the right piece yet, but all I can do is keep twisting and turning the pieces until I find just what fits where.


Carla said...

Good luck finding that missing piece. I hope all the pieces continue to fall into place for you!

Julie said...

Thanks Carla. I appreciate it.