Thursday, March 26, 2009

Perfection in a Basket Full of Clothes

I know I have been writing a lot today. Maybe its because I feel like I have a lot to say and don't feel like a lot of people are listening. Most of what I have to say isn't particularly important and frankly I don't really need to waste time having people listen, but on here you can read or not its your choice and its nice to get things off my chest sometimes.

I like order. I like clean. I like lists. I like knowing what to expect, and when to expect it. Now I am not some neat Nazi who can only function if everything is in its place directly lined up and organized. I am no Monk, that is for sure. In fact there are times where I thrive in chaos, with a whirlwind of debris around me. But if I had my way I would choose to have order, as long as someone else was in charge of keeping it that way.

Today as I sat there looking at my laundry basket full of clean, perfectly folded laundry (if you don't know I am borderline neurotic about the way my laundry is folded) I realized how much I appreciate organization and order. I liked looking at my perfectly creased shirts, and my paired socks and my tri-folded towels aligned perfectly. There is little in my life I can control. Little I have the ability to perfectly place in the order I want it, but I can with my laundry. I can make it perfect and I find myself appreciating this power.

I think there may be somethings in my life that I am choosing not to face, not to deal with because I cannot control them. I cannot control who helps clean my home and who helps keep it clean when it has been cleaned. I can't control the homework and papers and exams that are being thrown at me. I can't control the economy. I can't control other people or their emotions. But I can control my laundry and for tonight I will live through my laundry. I will live among the flawless order of the pants, I will rest my eyes in the crisp lines of the shirts and I will allow my angst to melt away in the symmetrical tower of towels.

By the way I made a really tasty Lemon stuffed chicken tonight. It was yum.