Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring is the Air

I have mixed feeling about spring. I love to hear the birds singing, see the flowers blooming, and there is nothing better than lying in the sun staring up at the most azure sky full of big fluffy white clouds. I even love the rain showers that occur just enough to dampen the earth and bring out that fresh just been cleaned smell. The other part of me, the one that can't breathe, has itchy eyes and raids the pharmacy department of any store any time to throw away vast sums of money, is not such a fan of spring. Every year it begins to warm up and my love for Spring overwhelms the logical half of me, and I rush outside to sniff the flowers to dazzle in natures beauty. Only to start sneezing unmercifully, and when I sneeze I involve my entire body, to the point where each sneeze is a painful reminder that I should stay inside and shovel Claritin like a hopped up crack addict. But then the sun shifts and I am forced yet again to go outside and relish in my good fortune to be alive, to be here and happy and to see days that could be no more beautiful.

After a few weeks of this intense war between my sinuses and the world around, both become too tired to fight and my body acclimates to the vast amounts of pollen littering the air, sneezing only occasional as to remind me of the half of month of bodily suffering I had to fight through just to be able to enjoy nature at its finest.