Monday, March 16, 2009

The Trials of Being A "Home Owner"

So latley it seems I have been experiencing all the negatives of being a home owner. So first a few weeks ago while mowing the lawn, one of our room mates ran over the sprinkler main, sending a geyer of water 20 feet in the air and soaking us and everything else. We run out there, trying to block the geyser, while Kory tries desperately to shut off the main water valve to the house, and our other room mate takes pictures. Finally after getting completly soaked we got everything turned off and were able to inspect the damage. Of course it wasn't anything we could repair easily. The mower had completly sheared off the valve and we would have to unscrew it so we could replace it. And of course it was the middle pipe between two others making it really hard to use any tools in the hole, and we were all soaking in the dark and it was cold. So Kory, Courtney and me were all outside freezing and banging up our hands doing our best to get this damn piece out of the ground. While our other room mate makes cookies. Then we get it off and head off to buy a new piece so we can have water to the house, but instead we get there like five minutes after all the hardware stores have closed. Leaving us without water until the next day, when our other room mates dad comes and fixes it while we sleep off our wet cold night.

Then the den got flooded due to a hole in the wall in a flower bed and our amateur gardener skills. That sucked, it still reeks a little and we have to constantly keep the windows open and the fans on. We used every towel in our house and many towels from friends and neighbors. Not to mention my mini-shop vac. Ahh once again we were all soaking, so was everything else but at least none of our electronics were damaged.

The next morning we woke up and found that one of the panes in our bathroom double paned windows was broken. We are still not sure exactly what happened but damn I guess when it rains it pours.