Friday, May 23, 2008

Questionable Aspirations

Nearly everyone has heard of Ebola, and anyone with half a brain fears and respects this deadly virus. When those who are not well versed in the pathology of the virus think of this disease, a vision of bloody corpses and piles of rotting bodies is forefront in their minds. This however is not the case, while Ebola does cause bleeding, it is not nearly as significant as the entertainment industry would have us believe. Yet Ebola is still one of the most dangerous viruses known to man. In an age of vast medical and scientific break throughs, Ebola remains a mystery. While there are many theories as to what hosts the Ebola virus (where it resides in nature), no one knows for sure. Ebola shows up, kills mercilessly, and then vanishes again leaving questions unanswered. Now why this monolouge about Ebola, well it boils down to one of my greatest aspirations.

Ebola is a level four biohazard meaning the virus requires the top level of security in order to handle the virus ie Space suit, negative air pressure, decon shower in and out, etc. At last check there are only two laboratories in the US equipped to handle the virus. Ebola fascinates me and at some point in my life I want to be able to handle the virus personally. I want to qualify to enter Biohazard Containment Level 4 and using all proper precautions actually hold the virus in my extremely protected hand. Its insane, why would anyone want to subject themseleves to this. I only have one defense... Its part of who I am. I love Ebola, it makes me smile to think of the sheer power of this naturally occuring virus. I am so obsessive with the virus that I even have a stuffed Ebola virus that I keep in my room. I'm not sure how but someday I will hold Ebola in my hands, and I can't wait for that day to come.