Friday, January 16, 2009

Money, Money, Money

I hate money. I hate all things associated with money. Like seriously how are we ever supposed to make any progress towards having a secure financial status if we suffer constantly to make the ends meet and only barely. I get some minimum wage job where I work my ass off for next to nothing, and it exhausts me so much that I am basically wiped out after work and can't even keep up with my chores which is another topic entirely.

So basically I barely keep it all together but so far I have done a damn good job of keeping it all together. So I had just enough in my account to pay my bills out of in one account, and that what I did. I paid all my bills but then blockbuster charged me for a movie I didn't buy and I guess at some point before they reversed the charge my electric bill attempted to be pulled out and now I will be lucky if my electric isn't turned off and AHHHHHH. I hate all money all money collectors and everything else associated with money and the devil it works with.