Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year New Post

It's been quite awhile since I have had the time, energy or mental capacity to write something on here. Nothing and everything has changed. I am still living in Fresno, still slowly pushing forward to getting my bachelors degree. Things that have changed include the addition of two new room mates into my Fresno home, new classes, weird work hours, and weirder work experiences. Basically rather than reliving the last two months I will move past those months and just give some high lights and then cover the things I have to look foward to in the next couple of weeks.

For Christmas I got Rockband II, so fun. I bought paint and painted my den a really pretty green, and at some point I am going to turn it into a really nice hangout/guest bedroom. The room mates are officially moved in, still not sure how I feel about having a house full of girls, it reminds me too much of Utah.

School is about to start back next wednesday. I have a pretty full schedule but I think I will totally do great. I am taking swimming, latin, linguistics, and sociology. I was going to take chemistry and bowling too but it was just too many units and the cost for books was insane. I will try to post more often but seriously its not like anyone reads this anyways. Ha Ha Ha.