Monday, September 15, 2008

Fresno State vs Wisconsin

So Saturday I went to the Fresno State vs Wisconsin game. It was so fun. I had a student ticket, and a couple of my new friends did too so we went together. They came over at 2 to pick me up and we went over to KFC and got a tailgate special and came back to my place to eat. Then we headed over to Damions house to hang out before the game. He lives right across the street from the stadium entrance so we headed over to his place hours before the game and only barely made it before the streets got blocked off. We walked over t the stadium nearly 3 hours before the game was supposed to start. The student section had already begun to fill. Student seats are first come, first served so you have to get their early if you want to sit near the front, which we did. We wound up about 7 rows up which wound up being really great seats. The other thing about the student section is, while there are seats, no one uses them nearly.

The game was great and the excitement in the stadium was envigorating. I was sad we had lost and so was everyone else. The Fresno State Fans were quiet and just swept along with the hordes of people exiting the stadium. Most of the Wisconsin fans were smart enough not to make too much noise about winning but some of them that did had to figt off a few pissed fans. Not to mention te Fresno State fans who decided to fight with each other. But overall it was a fun and exciting experience. When I came home I scanned through ESPN's coverage of the game (I had DVR'd it), and I saw myslef on there cheering for the dogs. I havn't watched all of it but some of the people around me at the game had said that friends had seen them 3 or 4 times and since I was right there with them I should be there a few times too. Yay me. Hope you're having a great week and I'll write again soon.