Thursday, September 11, 2008

My September 11th.

So even though it was heartless and a little self absorbed I didn't appraoch today in the way that many Americans did. September 11th has always been a special day in my life. September 11th is my dad's birthday, and one of my best friends too. So I awoke this morning and approached it like any other day, with two very important birthday calls to make. But as the day passed and I had time to think about the significance of 9/11/01. The impact it had on the world, on America, on Americans, on my family and particularly on me.

I remember that morning. I was a sophmore in highschool, my mom woke me up and told me to come watch the tv. Though only one plane had hit the towers, I was already worried about family I had in NYC. My aunt and her husband and their twins who would turn one the next day. I never moved from the front of the tv while I was getting ready and we listened to the radio updates the entire way to school. At school no work was done, we just sat there in a shocked silence. Annoying and petulant teens, many of whom have no respect for themselves, or anyone else were uncharacteristically respectful. At some point during the day the news media began to suspect that other terrorist attacks would be soon to follow. It was mentioned that the oil fields of Socal could possibly be a target and then the fear for myself and my family sat in. I went to my friends house, It was her 18th birthday and she was supposed to be having a party, only thanks to NYC only me and her boyfriend showed up. We started watching the news updates, but that was a downer, so we ordered pizza and put on a movie. For weeks after that there was a scent of fear in the air. And seven years later a faint tinge of that fear still drifts in the breeze. We all act as though we are not afraid any more, but 9/11 shifted all of us. A small part of us believes that if it happened once it could happen again. Maybe thats true but me, I just want to continue enjoying my life while its still mine to live, and if that means putting a horrible tragedy like 9/11 out of my mind, then so be it.